WELCOME to the Retriever Daily Report of the 2011 National Amateur Field Trial, June 19-25, brought to you by the National Amateur Retriever Club and written by Tina Ebner and Gwen Jones with assistance from Caitlin Furin. We hope you enjoy these daily updates on the National Amateur, held this year in Ronan, MT.

Previous Posts
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saturday, June 19, 2011
On the Road to the National!

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Friday, June 17, 2011
On the Road to the National!
We are on our way to Montana! Coverage for the 2011 National Amateur beginning soon!
Well, here we finally are in in the Mission Valley area of Montana. It is breathtaking countryside with rolling snow-capped mountains in every direction. The folks here have been very welcoming to us. These folks finished building their hotel just days before we all converged here. The Ninepipes Lodge is located 30 miles south of Polson and the Best Western HQ hotel.
Today, we went an visited one of the many training groups that have been out everyday for the past week getting their dogs acclimated to the new terrain and different elevations. Don Remien, a locally based pro teamed up with Dave Smith from Wisconsin. Photos to come.....
1. AFC Carbons Blue Pursuit, LM
2. AFC Robbers' Stray Bullet, LM
3. FC-AFC Hoot N Holler, LM
4. Mjolnir's There And Back Again, LM
5. FC Wood River's Duck Tucker, LM
6. AFC The Blueprint, LM
7. FC-CFC LKY's Controlled Burn, LM
8. FC-AFC Land Ahoy, LM
9. Windy City's Bent Tail, LM
10. FC-AFC Fat City Pacer, LM
11. NAFC-FC Fourleaf's Ice Breaker, LM
12. FC-AFC Suncrest Wild Oats, LM
13. FC-AFC Paddy Kate's Slick Mick, LM
14. FC-AFC Volwood's Big Ol' Rex, LM
15. FC-AFC Watuaga's Bull Gator, LM
16. AFC Third Creek's Big Stick, LM
17. NFC-AFC Hunter Runs BooBoo, LM
18. FC-AFC Foxfires Slight Of Hand, LM
19. Catalina's Trumarc, LF
20. FC-AFC Bayou-Star Beyond Independent, GM
21. FC-AFC Jet Black Bustin Thru The Brush, LM
22. Salt Marsh Ready Aim Flyer, GM
23. FC-AFC Weezer Retreezer, LM
24. FC Westwoods Iron Man, LM
25. FC-AFC Wolf Creek CR Skeeter, LM
26. Sonmar's Mo Cash, LM
27. FC-AFC Vinwood's Don't Look Ethel, LF
28. AFC Un Petit Peu Canaille, LF
29. AFC Invinceability, LM
30. AFC Cuda's Negra Modelo MH, LF
31. FC-AFC Sanpitch River Shore Thing, LM
32. FC-AFC Pure Labs Skys The Limit, LM
33. FC Silvertip's I Hope So, LF
34. FC-AFC Trumarc's Stormin Norman II, LM
35. In The Hunt Farm's Executive Sweet, LF
36. FC-AFC Chatanika's High Water Haylee, LF
37. FC-AFC Landover's Right On Target, LM
38. FC-AFC Hardscrabble Carbunnation, LF
39. Candlewoods Commander And Chief, LM
40. AFC Red Butte's Tiger Lilly, LF
41. FC-AFC Ragin Eye Of The Storm, LM
42. Trulines Walla Walla Sweet, LF
43. AFC-CFC-CAFC Calumet`s Mein Soupster, LM
44. AFC Citori's Vista 40th Pres, LF
45. AFC KPR's Wet Willie, LM
46. FC Big Alfonse Capone Of Mo-Kan, LM
47. AFC Lil Chin Music, LF
48. Windy City's Mighty Mouse, LM
49. NFC-AFC Candlewood's Something Royal, LF
50. AFC Sister Bertrille, LF
51. FC SML Stella's Got Her Groove, LF
52. AFC Huntersbest Sapphire Jubilee, LF
53. AFC Coolwater's Knockout, LM
54. AFC Jazztime's Dust Devil Max, LM
55. AFC-CAFC Maxfly's Lumpy, LF
56. AFC Waterdogs Iron Diva, LF
57. FC-AFC Atlasta Winner, LF
58. FC-AFC Freeridin Smooth Operator, LF
59. FC-AFC Nebo's Onyx Tornado, LM
60. FC-AFC Tealcreek Patton's Saber, LM
61. FC-AFC Sureshot's Texas Hold'Em, LM
62. Lucyana's Full Speed Ahead, LM
63. FC-AFC Bayou Teche Miah, LF
64. FC-AFC Shadows Sweet Something, LF
65. FC-AFC Trumarc's Whistling Bird, LF
66. FC Tiger Mtn's Hokulele, LM
67. AFC Kimber VIII, LF
68. Candlewoods Aphrodites Jazz, LF
69. FC-AFC Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble, LM
70. AFC Candlewoods Brother Aaron, LM
71. Wolf River's HD Duramax, LM
72. FC-AFC Volwood's Angel, LF
73. FC-AFC Premier's Iron Man Ozzy, LM
74. FC-AFC Dominators Duke Of Turrell, LM
75. FC Nightwings Marsh Leader, LM
76. Yakity's Shake Rattle 'N' Roll, CF
77. FC-AFC Widgeon's Carbon Chip, LM
78. AFC Waquoit Bay's Lone Arranger, LM
79. FC-AFC Castlebay's Night Robber, LM
80. Watermark's The Black Pearl, LF
81. FC-AFC-CNFC-CAFC Taylorlab Calumet's Big Blue, LM
82. Phyllo Farms Mischief Maker, LM
83. FC-AFC Candlewood GoldenDaze Louie, LM
84. Glen Lake F4d Phantom MH, LF
85. FC-AFC Cody Cut A Lean Grade, LM
86. FC-AFC Nick Of Time Wild Wind Dusty, LM
87. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Runnin's Molly B, LF
88. FC-AFC Jazztime Hanging Chad, LM
89. Maple Creek's Mattie Mae, LF
90. Fargo's Rising River, LF
91. FC-AFC Sureshot's TKO, LM
92. AFC Flyway's Ruby B. Gonia, LF
93. FC-AFC Downtown Buster Brown XXXI, LM
94. FC-AFC Waterdogs Shock And Awe, LM
95. FC-AFC Joey's Zoom Zoom JH, LM
96. FC-AFC-Great Bunns Of Fire, LF
97. FC-AFC Badger State Ram Kicker, LM
98. FC-AFC Eva-Ethyl Proby-Weber, LF
99. Jazztime Bluegoose's Skatch, LM
100. FC-AFC Citori's Accept No Substitute, LF
101. Tweed's Rough Rider, LM
102. AFC Jamestown's Super Spud, LF
103. AFC Watermark's Shadow Dancer, LF
104. FC Hardscrabble Roxie McBunn, LF
105. FC-AFC Lil Mac's Black River Rabbit, LF
106. Good Idea's Dream On, LF
107. Ironweeds High Bird Shooter, LF
108. Rockliffs Justdoit, LM
109. AFC Just Deal Me A Jack MH, LM
110. AFC Coolwater's Storm Chaser, LF
111. FC-AFC Trumarc's L'il Ms Pogo, LF
112. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Adams Acres Muddy Creek, LM
113. FC Counterpoint's Sidekick, LM
114. FC-AFC Texanna Yellow Gold MH, LF
115. FC-AFC Nebo's Grandma Ruby, LF